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Active parishioners become more involved in the life of their parish.

Parishioners who are fully involved in the life of their parish become true stewards of their time, talent, and treasure. 

We work together with you, and your staff, to put the information in your parishioner's hands that will stir their hearts to become fully engaged stewards, who desire to see their parish grow and flourish. The more informed about their parish, a person becomes, the more they desire to give of their time, talent, and treasure. Our annual reports are effective tools in encouraging an increase in volunteering, giving, and evangelizing.

Oh! We take care of the direct mailing, too - saving your staff time, and frustration.

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Our Annual Reports inform your parishioners, and informed parishioners become more active parishioners.

When parishioners are fully informed about their parish, they become more active in parish life.

We design your annual report with parishioner 
engagement as our end-game. Our professional design, published in full-color, with photography and custom graphics that capture the highlights of your parish year. Your parishioners will appreciate the attention to detail, and the quality of the annual report we put in their hands. People actually want to read a beautifully published annual report! 

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